Instocks ♥

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Location: Singapore

Independent is the word. Perfect is the key.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jeans & Jackets :)

Black and Gray Skinnies.
Size '26' the black one and Size '27' the gray one.
Selling off @ $14 each and both for $13 each.

Demin and Red Skinnies.
Size 'S' for the Demin and Size '27 or 28' for the Red one.
Selling off @ $14 each and both for $13.50 each.

Selling off @ 12
Good condition.

Front view.

Back view.
Selling off @ 12

Musical note hoodie.
Selling off @ 15


P/S : Pictures quality sucks but my cammie run out of battery so bobian. Haha.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Will update new stocks soon !
Stay tune okie ! So sorry made your wait so long , haha .


Sunday, September 12, 2010

HEY ! not only i can earn money from blogshop ,
you guys can also earn quick money !
just need to sign up @ and wait for sms(s) .
so what are you still waiting for ?! 
sign up now ! :D

Sunday, August 29, 2010

brand new .
selling off at 15$ 13.90$

Friday, August 27, 2010

worn thrice , still in good condition .
selling off at 25$ 22$
the front with lots of tulips. :)
the back view. :>
brand new !
selling off at 23$ 21.90$
worn once , good condition .
quite rough cloth but suitable in airconditioner places .
selling off at 10$ 6.90$
sorry if there are only a few of new items ,
will try to upload more soon:)
and the advantage is after washing all these clothing , no need to iron them xD

hope there will still be more customer okay ! help me advertise ~
thank .

yours' faithfully ,
hoshi iver fenella .

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

YAY!!! finally got a first customer! :D which is mh mei .___.
thank much uh, see you this saturday!

& thank sissy too, for advertising for me. :>
and sissy's friend for supporting xD but u dun want the dress cause u alot in your wardrobe already? HAHA
but still, thank anyway. :) hahah . happy die me ! :b

gonna update more new clothes soon, stay tune! :D

Monday, August 23, 2010

tube dress. :>
with the strip^^
worn once, in pretty good condition still.
freesize .__.
selling off at 23$ 21$ cause bought it quite exp @ this fashion.
worn once , good condition^^
freesize .__.
bought it @ metro, selling off at 30$ 28$
will be more coming up so stay tune yeah! :D
help me advertise around okie ? thank you very much .
and anything wanna ask can leave me a comment , add me on msn or text me up:)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

take a look O.O

dresses :

worn once , in good condition still .
freesize .__.
selling off at 10$ 9$
brand new still in packaging .
freesize .__.
selling off at 18$ (non nego-able)

long sleeves :

brand new without packaging .
freesize .__.
10$ (non nego-able)
worn once , good condition .
freesize .__.
selling off at 10$ 7$
tee-shirt :

brand new without packaging .
freesize .__.
5$ (non nego-able)

sleeveless :

worn twice but in good condition still .
freesize .__.
15$ 13$
checkers top without tube .
worn once in pretty good condition still .
freesize .__.
15$ (nego-able)

other tops :

worn once , good condition .
freesize .__.
9$ 8$
bottoms :

mini skirt .
brand new , good condition .
size "S" , 25 .
15$ (nego-able)
brand new leggings !
on the left which is gray leggings , can see your legs/foot .
purple one is cover your whole legs and both is stretch-able, freesize.
selling off at 10$ 8$ each , 2 for 18$ 17$
